
Below you’ll find a small sampling of the various humanoids and other creatures one can encounter while traveling the planes.

  • Al-Mi’raj: A mythical, one-horned hare or rabbit.
  • Assassin: Someone skilled at stealth-based elimination.
  • Baboon: Semi-intelligent, terrestrial monkeys that live in small packs (led by an alpha) and communicate via screams and shrieks.
  • Bat: Nocturnal flying mammal which often roosts in caves and comes in multiple varieties / sizes.
  • Bugbear: Large, hairy goblin-like creatures capable of sneaking up on prey.
  • Cleric: A holy (or unholy) warrior-priest on a quest for their deity.
  • Commoner: One of the common people (artists, beggars, children, craftspeople, farmers, fishermen, housewives, scholars, slaves, etc.).
  • Corsair: A skilled sailor, be it on the seas, in the air, or on the astral plane. Usually part of a crew.
  • Dinosaur: Any of a number of bird-like lizards, often found on “lost world” planes (or dreaded jungle islands).
  • Dragon: A huge, proud, flying lizard with massive wings and the ability to spew one or more types of attack from their mouths.
  • Fighter: Someone who earns their keep via combat.
  • Flamehound: A monstrous, intelligent, devious, fire-breathing hound, about as big as a small pony, who loves heat and often dwells near a volcano.
  • Gelatinous Cube: A solitary, transparent, jelly-like creature, typically shaped as a 10’ cube, which absorbs meat and living creatures as it moves (slowly) through dungeons.
  • Ghoul: A grisly, bestial, undead humanoid with an appetite for human flesh.
  • Golem: A magically-powered synthetic being that can be built from various materials.
  • Flicker Dog: An intelligent, aloof, and often friendly wolf-like hound native to the Feywolde that hunt in packs and appear to flicker in and out of existence.
  • Herd Mammal: One of a variety of mammals that live in large, grazing herds in the wild.
  • Horse: A four-legged herd animal with a long head, often domesticated and used for transportation or agriculture.
  • Knight: A cavalier with a code, often found mounted and on a quest.
  • Megatherium: Giant, peaceful ground sloth.
  • Mimic: A shape-shifter that can assume the form of inanimate objects (ex: chests, statues, or doors).
  • Minotaur: Large, aggressive humanoid with a bull head and a propensity for labyrinths.
  • Mule: A horse / donkey hybrid used as a beast of burden.
  • Mummy: A preserved, undead humanoid, often found wrapped in funerary bandages.
  • Mylark: A 2’ long, lamprey-like, winged snake that feeds on psychic energy and travels in large flocks.
  • Owl Bear: A massive (8’ tall, 1500 pounds), aggressive, carnivorous bear-like creature with the features and face of an owl.
  • Paladin: A holy (or unholy) knight on a quest for their deity.
  • Pirate: A sailor skilled in theft and piracy, be it on the seas, in the air, or on the astral plane. Usually part of a crew.
  • Priest: A holy (or unholy) divine magic user on a mission for their deity.
  • Raknitaur: A highly intelligent, thoroughly evil magic user with a humanoid upper body attached to the legs and body of a giant spider, poisonous fangs, and a dozen eyes.
  • Ravager Slime: A 2-3" long silver ooze-like creature, part of a colony of tens-of-thousands of similar beings, which serve as both a repair and defense system for the Ravager and its lair.
  • Shrulk: An intelligent, carnivorous, plantlike creature, often mistaken for a dead shrub, which grows up to 6’ tall, has spongy roots roots, thorny branches, blood for sap, and the ability to twist its branches to form a humanoid body.
  • Thief: Someone skilled at stealing things.
  • Treant: An intelligent, plantlike humanoid, often mistaken for a tree, which grows up to 25’ tall, and is usually only concerned with protecting and preserving the trees and plants in their home area.
  • Treulk: An intelligent, carnivorous, plantlike humanoid, often mistaken for a dead tree, which grows up to 25’ tall, has spongy roots roots and bark, thorny branches, and blood for sap.
  • Vampire: Undead creature that survives by drinking the blood of others.
  • Warp Cat: A black, human-sized, panther-like creature, native to the astral plane, with six legs and a razor-sharp tentacle growing from each front shoulder.
  • Werebeast: A humanoid infected by therianthropy, cursed to shapeshift into an animal form.
  • Watcher: A single recessed eye surrounded by dozens of small tentacles and several larger (5’ long) ones with razor-sharp tips.
  • Wight: A humanoid corpse possessed by a malevolent spirit.
  • Wraith: Ethereal undead that appears as a pale, humanoid shape of gathered mist.
  • Wizard: A magic user, often in robes, who memorizes spells from their spellbooks.
  • Zombie: A decaying undead corpse.