Thief (Creature)

Someone skilled at stealth-based retrieval.

Hit Dice 1d6 (4hp)
Armor Class 13 (leather)
Movement 40’
Attacks 1 @ weapon (1d6)
Attack Modifier 0
Alignment Any
Save As Thief
Morale 7
  • Guild: 30% chance of being affiliated with a guild, increasing to 90% near major urban centers.
  • Leader: 50% chance groups of 4+ are led by a higher level thief (1d4 HD higher).
  • Weapon Versatility: May be found wielding various types of weapons.
  • Non-human Modifiers: Non-human thieves may have additional abilities or modified statistics.


Uses disguise or trickery to surprise victims.

  • Stealth Check succeeds on 1-3.
Higher-Level Thieves
HD HP AC Atk Mod Damage Morale
3d6 11 14 +2 1d6 7
5d6 18 14 +4 1d6+1 8
7d6 25 15 +6 1d6+1 8
9d6 32 15 +7 1d6+1 9

Short Stat Blocks

> HD 1d6 (4 hp); AC 13; MV 40'; Atk 1 (0) @ 1d6 (weapon); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 3d6 (11 hp); AC 14; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+2) @ 1d6 (weapon); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 5d6 (18 hp); AC 14; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+4) @ 1d6+1 (weapon); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 7d6 (25 hp); AC 15; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+6) @ 1d6+1 (weapon); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 9d6 (32 hp); AC 15; MV 40'; Atk 1 (+7) @ 1d6+1 (weapon); AL Any; ML 9