Heroic Old-School Roleplaying
Core Rules: Combat

Version 0.14.5 / 2024-05-27

Combat Procedure

Adventurers tend to die easily, so most combat should be avoided unless the adventurers have a clear advantage.

That having been said, fights do occur, and when they do, the following steps are performed:

  1. Declare Spells, Special Attacks, Defending, Retreats, and Versatile Weapons: Players declare if they will cast a spell, use a special attack, defend, or retreat this round (and, if so, which type of retreat), and characters wielding Versatile weapons declare if they will deal extra damage.

  2. Roll Initiative: Each side that can attack rolls 1d20, highest roll attacks first.

  3. Winning Side Actions: Each character or monster gets a move and an action, with either one occurring first.

    • Morale Check: Creatures who’ve been severely wounded or seen their leaders killed may flee.

      • Roll 2d6 under morale score or the monsters surrender / flee.
        • After 2 successes in a fight, no further checks.
      • When to check morale:
        • After the first death on a side, and
        • When a side is half killed or incapacitated.
    • Move: Move up to full speed

      • If prone, use 1/2 movement to stand up.
      • If engaged with an enemy at the start of the move, must make a fighting retreat or enemy gets free attack.
    • Action: Do something, like attack, defend, cast a spell, or stowe an item.

      • Spellcasters can’t move after casting a spell.
  4. Change Sides: Opposing side becomes active.

  5. Slow Weapons: Resolve any slow weapons or end-of-round abilities.

  6. Repeat: Return to step 2 and repeat until only one side remains.

Readying Weapons

  • Available weapons may be readied for free while moving (if hands are empty or currently held items are dropped).
  • Stowing held weapons takes a full action.


Roll 1d20 plus any appropriate modifiers. If it equals or beats the target’s AC, roll for damage (again including any appropriate modifiers).

  • +2 bonus to hit from behind.

  • When mounted, +1 bonus to hit most foes on foot.


  • Character AC is usually determined by type of armor worn.
  • Shields grant +1 AC when used.
    • Can also be sacrificed (shattered) to prevent a hit from inflicting damage.
Armor AC
Armor Type AC
None 10
Padded / Hide 11
Leather 12
Studded Leather 13
Chainmail 14
Half-Plate 15
Full Plate 16

Melee Attacks

Melee attack rolls are modified based on the character’s Strength.

Strength Modifier
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 +0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18+ +3
  • Melee attacks are usually limited to 5’ range.
  • Characters in melee combat with each other or other monsters are said to be engaged.
  • Unarmed attacks do 1d2 damage by default.
Dual Wielding

PCs with DEX 13+ can dual wield certain weapons.

  • When using 2 Light weapons, may make an attack with each one.
  • When using a one-handed weapon and a Light weapon, may only make one attack, but +1 to the attack and damage rolls.

Ranged Attacks

Ranged attack rolls are modified based on the character’s Dexterity, the target’s cover, and the range to the target.

Dexterity Modifier
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 +0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18+ +3
  • -1 to -4 penalties may apply when attacking targets behind partial cover.
    • Targets behind total cover cannot be hit.
  • Attacks beyond long range are not possible.
Range Modifier
Range Mod
Short +1
Long -1

Critical Hits

A natural 20 on an attack is a critical hit. Roll 1d20 on the Critical Hit Table to see what additional effect occurs.

Critical Hit Table
1d20 Effect
1-2 Max Damage
3 Max Damage + Free Attack[1]
4 Max Damage + Target Fumble[2]
5 Max Damage + Target Blinded[3]
6 Double Damage
7 Double Damage + Free Attack[1:1]
8 Double Damage + Target Fumble[2:1]
9 Double Damage + Target Blinded[3:1]
10 Double Max Damage
11 Triple Damage
12 Triple Damage + Free Attack[1:2]
13 Triple Damage + Target Fumble[2:2]
14 Triple Damage + Target Blinded[3:2]
15 Triple Max Damage
16 Quadruple Max Damage
17 Max Damage + Armor Damaged[4]
18 Max Damage + Target Amputation[5]
19 Max Damage + Target Stunned[6]
20 Save vs. Death or die


A natural 1 on an attack is a fumble. Roll 1d20 on the Fumble Table to see what additional effect occurs.

Fumble Table
1d20 Effect
1 Stumble, weapon breaks
2 Stumble, automatic hit on closest ally within 10’[1:3]
3 Stumble, next attack against is automatic critical hit
4 Stumble, can’t attacks until end of next round
5 Stumble, can’t attack until next round
6 Stumble, next attack against is automatic hit
7 Stumble, hit self for maximum damage[1:4]
8 Stumble, hit self for regular damage[1:5]
9 Stumble, all rolls next round get -2
10 Stumble, go last in initiative next round
11 Fall down (prone) and drop weapon 30’ away
12 Fall down (prone) and drop weapon 20’ away
13 Fall down (prone) and drop weapon 10’ away
14 Fall down (prone) and drop weapon nearby
15 Fall down (prone)
16 Drop weapon 30’ away
17 Drop weapon 20’ away
18 Drop weapon 10’ away
19 Drop weapon at feet
20 Fumble weapon, but maintain hold


Spend a round fighting defensively (parrying, blocking, dodging, feinting, etc.). Gets +2 AC. Can be used with Fighting Retreat.


Most characters can move 40’ in a combat round.

  • When Engaged: Can’t move away from foe without retreating.
  • When Prone: Use 1/2 movement to stand up.


Engaged characters that wish to move away can either make a fighting retreat, or a full retreat.

  • Fighting Retreat: Can move backwards at 1/2 their normal movement rate and take an attack or defend action, while avoiding giving enemies a free attack.
  • Full Retreat: Turning and fleeing from combat at their full movement rate, enemies can make a free attack at +2 bonus.


Melee Weapons

Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Properties
Battleaxe 1d8 Versatile (1d10)
Blackjack 1d2 Blunt, Stealth
Club 1d4 Blunt, Light
Dagger 1d4 Light, Thrown (10’ / 20’ / 30’)
Flail 1d6
Garotte 1d4 Entangle, Stealth, Two-handed
Greatsword 1d10 Reach, Slow, Two-handed
Greatclub 1d8 Blunt, Slow, Two-handed
Hand Axe 1d4 Light, Thrown (10’ / 20’ / 30’)
Javelin 1d6 Thrown (30’/ 60’ / 90’)
Lance 1d6 Charge
Light Hammer 1d4 Blunt, Light, Thrown (10’ / 20’ / 30’)
Longsword 1d8 Versatile (1d10)
Mace 1d6 Blunt
Morningstar 1d8
Net 0 Blunt, Entangle, Thrown (10’ / 20’ / 30’), Two-handed
Nunchaku 2d4 Blunt, Two-handed
Pickaxe 1d8 Slow, Two-handed
Polearm 1d10 Reach, Slow, Two-handed
Rapier 1d8
Scimitar 1d6
Sickle 1d4 Light
Shortsword 1d6
Spear 1d6 Thrown (20’ / 40’ / 60’) , Versatile (1d8)
Staff 1d4 Blunt, Versatile (1d6)
Trident 1d6 Thrown (10’ / 20’ / 30’) , Versatile (1d8)
Warhammer 1d6 Blunt, Versatile (1d8)
Whip 1d4 Entangle, Reach

Melee Weapon Details

  • Blackjack: On successful hit, target must Save vs Paralyze or be knocked unconscious for 1d6 turns.
  • Garotte: While target is entangled, inflicts damage automatically each round.
  • Net: Big enough for 6’ humanoid creature, larger nets may require more handlers.
  • Polearm: Includes any weapon with a long pole tipped with a cutting / spearing weapon (ex: Glaive, Halberd, Pike).
  • Whip: On a successful hit, may either inflict damage OR entangle.

Ranged Weapons

Ranged Weapons
Weapon Damage Range Properties
Blowgun 1 25’ / 50’ / 100’ Reload
Bolas 1d2 20’ / 40’ / 60’ Blunt, Entangle
Crossbow, Hand 1d4 20’ / 40’ / 80’ Light, Reload
Crossbow, Heavy 1d8 80’ / 160’ / 240’ Reload, Slow, Two-handed
Crossbow, Light 1d6 40’ / 80’ / 120’ Reload, Two-handed
Great Bow 1d8 70’ / 140’ / 210’ Slow, Two-handed
Longbow 1d6 70’ / 140’ / 210’ Two-handed
Shortbow 1d6 50’ / 100’ / 150’ Two-handed
Sling 1d4 40’ / 80’ / 160’ Blunt

Ranged Weapon Details

  • Sling: Typically uses stones, bullets add +1 damage (1d4+1 total).

Weapon Properties

  • Blunt: Can be wielded by cleric.
  • Charge: Doubles any damage done after moving at least 60’ while mounted before attacking.
  • Entangle: On successful hit, target must Save vs Paralyze to be able to move or attack.
    • Entangled victims can make new saves each round.
  • Light: May be used in offhand when dual-wielding.
  • Reach: Grants a extra 5’ reach for determining melee range.
  • Reload: Takes a round to reload, can only be fired every other round.
  • Slow: Always attacks last in a round.
  • Stealth: May only be used to attack unaware humanoid creature from behind (4+1 HD max).
  • Thrown: May be used as ranged weapon (short, medium, and long range indicated).
  • Two-handed: Requires two hands to use.
  • Versatile: May gain Slow and Two-handed to deal indicated damage.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.

  1. Automatic Hits: Roll 1d20 to check for critical, but ignore further fumbles. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Target Fumble: Target must roll on fumble table ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. Target Blinded: Blood or debris blinds target for 1d4 rounds ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Armor Damaged: Reduce target’s AC by 1 until armor repaired / healed ↩︎

  5. Target Amputation: Target loses an appendage. ↩︎

  6. Target Stunned: Blow stuns target for 1d6 rounds ↩︎