
A shape-shifter that can assume the form of inanimate objects (ex: chests, statues, or doors).

  • May range in size and power from 3-9 HD when mature.
Hit Dice 6 (26hp)
Armor Class 14 (natural)
Movement 30’
Attacks 1 (+5) @ 3d4 (bite / pseudopod)
Alignment Any
Saving Throws D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6)
Morale 8


  • Affects any creature or item that touches the mimic.
  • Affected creatures may use a Combat Action to attempt to break free with by making a successful STR check at -2.
  • May be neutralized (releasing the stuck creature or item) at will by the mimic.
  • Solvents (ex: alcohol) weaken glue, allowing automatic escape after 3 rounds.
  • Naturally dissolves 5 rounds after mimic dies.


  • Immune to acid attacks
  • Not affected by molds, slimes, or puddings.

Intelligence: 5% chance per HD to be intelligent

Light Sensitivity: -2 to attack rolls and -1 to AC in bright light (ex: magic light or `daylight).

Mimicry: Can shift form to take on appearance of any wooden or stone object.

Other Sizes / Power Options

Other Size Mimics
HD HP AC Atk Mod Damage Morale
1[1] 4 12 0 3d4 7
3 13 13 +2 3d4 8
5 22 13 +3 3d4 8
7 31 14 +6 3d4 9
9 40 15 +7 3d4 9

Short Stat Blocks

> HD 1 (4 hp), AC 12; MV 30'; Atk 1 (0) @ 3d4 (bite / pseudopod); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 3 (13 hp), AC 13; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+1) @ 3d4 (bite / pseudopod); AL Any; ML 7
> HD 5 (22 hp), AC 13; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+3) @ 3d4 (bite / pseudopod); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 7 (31 hp), AC 14; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+5) @ 3d4 (bite / pseudopod); AL Any; ML 8
> HD 9 (40 hp), AC 15; MV 30'; Atk 1 (+6) @ 3d4 (bite / pseudopod); AL Any; ML 9

  1. Juvenile ↩︎