
Huge, proud, flying lizards with massive wings and the ability to spew one or more types of attack from their mouths.

  • Come in various subtypes including chromatic, metallic, and crystalline.
  • Always lead with breath weapon for attack.
  • Chance of sleeping determined by subspecies, -2 AC while asleep.
  • Will surrender if subdued (reduced to 0 hp by nonlethal attacks).
  • Based on age, size could vary by up to 3 HD.

Breath Weapon

  • Can be used up to 3x per day.
  • All caught in area take damage equal to dragon’s current hit points, Save vs Blasts for half.
  • Immune to their own breath weapon, automatically saves vs related attacks.
  • Shapes:
    • Cloud - 50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high.
    • Cone - 2’ wide at the mouth, 30’ wide at far end.
    • Line - 5’ wide along whole length.

Chromatic Dragons

A subclass of dragons with brightly-colored scales, and a (general) affinity for chaos. By far the most common subtype of dragon found on the material planes.

Types of Chromatic Dragons

Metallic Dragons

A subclass of dragons with shining scales, multiple breath weapons, and a (general) affinity for Law.

Types of Metallic Dragons

Crystalline Dragons

A subclass of dragons with shimmering scales, multiple breath weapons, and a roar that can open a portal to the astral plane.

Types of Crystalline Dragons