Owl Bear

A massive (8โ€™ tall, 1500 pounds), aggressive, carnivorous bear-like creature with the features and the face of an owl.

Hit Dice 5 (22hp)
Armor Class 14
Attacks 2 (+4) @ 1d8 (claw), 1 (+4) @ 1d8 (bite)
Movement 40โ€™
Saving Throws D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (5)
Morale 9
Alignment Neutral
XP 175

If target is hit both claws in same round, they must Save vs Paralysis or owl bear hugs for an extra 2d8 damage.

Short Stat Block

> HD 5 (22 hp), AC 14; MV 40'; 2 (+4) @ 1d8 (claw), 1 (+4) @ 1d8 (bite); AL N; ML 9; XP 175