
Large, aggressive humanoid with a bull head and a propensity for labyrinths.

Hit Dice 6 (27hp)
Armor Class 13 (natural)
Movement 40’
Attacks [1 (+5) @ 1d6 (gore) + 1 (+5) @ 1d6 (bite)] or 1 (+5) @ 1d8 (weapon)
Alignment Chaotic
Saving Throws D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6)
Morale 8
XP 275
  • Prefer large, primitive weapons (ex: axes, clubs, spears).
  • Attack creatures of same size or smaller on sight, pursuing them until they are out of sight.

Short Stat Blocks

> HD 6 (27 hp), AC 13; MV 40'; Atk [1 (+5) @ 1d6 (gore) + 1 (+5) @ 1d6 (bite)] or 1 (+5) @ 1d8 (weapon); AL Any; ML 7