Sapphire Cove

A relatively small port on the outer rim of the Astral Trade Zone, Xynohpus Cove (or Sapphire Cove, as the locals refer to it) is a collection of small wooden buildings on a flattened fragment of the earth plane, complete with its own magic shop, blacksmith, armory, and a single two-story warehouse.

  • Located on a oblong fragment of earth, about 200’ across by 50’ around.
  • 20’ diameter portal to the warehouse district of the aptly named Portown, a city on the material plane of Aryeon.
  • A large magical clock above the portal shows the current time both on the astral plane and in Portown.
  • Usually has 1-2 ships in dock.
  • Founded almost 100 years ago by the wizard Lord Xynohpus.


  • Fenwick C. Fizzlebell
    • Gnomish male Harbormaster
    • Fussy gnome dressed all in yellow
    • Always appears to be in over his head
  • Zohar, Keeper of the Obelisk
    • Half-elven male cleric of Phoris.
    • Chatty and personable, he tries to be helpful when he can.
  • Zoviar of the Black Tower
    • Spindly human male wizard with a thin mustache.
    • Dresses in black silken robes.
    • Snide, insinuating, and all-around unpleasant to deal with.

Former NPCs

  • Lord Stengar Muziv (DECEASED)

    • Human noble harbormaster (Level 0)
    • Dressed in fine purple silks
    • Hoped to use his position as tradelord to gain favor with ruling houses of Portown.
    • Always seemed preoccupied, tended to fly off the handle at Fenwick when he screwed up (and oftentimes when he didn’t).
    • Appeared to have killed by Unkhlar, the blacksmith, but dissolved into a black goo upon dying (only his skin remained).
  • Amaryllis (Amary), the Alchemist

    • Owned and ran Amary’s Emporium, the port’s magic shop
    • A polite and pretty (but bored) human female
    • Smarter than she appears.
    • Wears long, dark-colored dresses.
    • Has connections with the Consortium.
    • May have been developing a relationship with Segu.
    • Took the demonic scroll from Segu to destroy it.
    • Also helped the party find a buyer for their warp kitten.
    • Assisted Segu with information about Eye Tyrants and several of the magic items they acquired.
    • Brought the Bronze Robes to help the party destroy the remnants of the Eye Tyrant fleet.
    • Is the daughter of Lord Xynohpus himself.
  • Rocky

    • Former living statue of Fenwick’s
    • Apparently mute
    • Was turned to flesh by Segu in an attempt to save him.
    • Now serves as one of the crew aboard the Skyrunner
  • Unkhlar Thildison

    • Dwarven blacksmith
    • Thin and kinda shifty, with short copper hair and green eyes.
    • Had a pet spider named Therva that occasionally hung out on his shoulder.
    • Was revealed to be an assassin when he killed the apparent Lord Stengar.


1 - Unkhlar’s Ironworks

  • A fairly-modest blacksmith’s workshop, small, dingy, with globes of flame stacked in the corner
  • Run by Unkhlar Thildison
  • Sells light globes and Dwarven unitools.

2 - The Armory

  • Strong, 2-story, half-timbered building, that serves as the headquarters of the town guard when stationed at the cove.
  • Bottom story is a large, divided cage which is used to detain thieves and scofflaws, usually holds prisoners temporarily before shipping them back to Portown.
  • Always at least 1 guard in the armory, in addition to the 2 making the rounds, and the 2 guarding the gateway.

3 - Sapphire Shark

  • “Help Wanted” sign in the window.
  • Long bar runs along most of the back wall.
  • People standing and sitting at perpendicular gravities to each other.
  • Tables and chairs clustered in the center of each wall (and the ceiling), with people freely standing about.
  • Everyone’s drinks are served in small globes with straw-like protrusions.
  • Bartender is an apparently exasperated (and sweaty) human.



  • Natural Spring Water - 2 sp
  • Coffee - 1 sp
  • Dragonberry juice - 3 sp
  • Bloo Milk - 1 sp


  • Bloodwine - 3 sp
  • Evermead - 2 sp
  • Fire Wine - 5 sp
  • Glowfie - 4 sp
  • Topaz - 3 sp
  • Westgate Ruby - 2 sp
  • Wizard’s Choice - 5 sp


  • Cherry Fire - 1 sp
  • Death Wish - 3 sp
  • Elverquis - 2 sp
  • Seawin - 1 sp
  • Whiskey - 2 sp


  • Bleak Stout - 1 sp
  • Dragon’s Breath - 3 sp
  • Golden Sands Ale - 2 sp
  • Halfling’s Best - 3 sp
  • Purple Noble - 2 sp
  • Shadowdark Ale - 4 sp


  • Bloodhawk Breast from Krynn - 1 gp
  • Sea Serpent Sushi Roll - 3 gp
  • Mimic Tongue in Sauce - 2 gp
  • Owlbear Steak & Eggs - 4 gp
  • Tarrasque Ribeye - 5 gp

4 - Warehouse

  • Two story
  • Multiple entrances (locked) on the bottom floor
  • Large trap door (locked) built into the roof

5 - Amary’s Emporium

  • Run by Zoviar
  • Appears to be bigger on the inside.
  • Lots of books, hints of “other services”.
    • She buys live animals and rare creature bits.
  • Potions / Supplies
    • healing - 100 gp
    • 1gp for mystery potion
    • 10gp for orbs of light
    • Also carries “Sorcerer: The Summoning”



  • Clairvoyance - 250 gp
  • Control Giant - 350 gp
  • Delusion - 250 gp
  • Diminution - 100 gp
  • Divination - 500 gp
  • ESP - 100 gp
  • Flying - 200 gp
  • Gaseous Form - 150 gp
  • Growth - 100 gp
  • Healing (1d6+1) - 50 gp
  • Healing, Greater (2d6+3) - 125 gp
  • Healing, Supreme (4d6+7) - 300 gp
  • Invisibility - 300 gp
  • Invulnerability - 300 gp
  • Levitation - 150 gp
  • Poison - 100 gp
  • Polymorph Self - 300 gp
  • Raise Dead - 2500 gp
  • Remove Curse - 200 gp
  • Speak with Dead - 200 gp
  • Random Potion - 2 gp


  • Acid (vial) - 1 gp
  • Alchemist’s Fire (flask) - 5 gp
  • Antitoxin - 1 gp
  • Bottle (glass) - 2 gp
  • Flask or Tankard - 5 sp
  • Elemental Fire Globe - 200 gp
  • Elemental Water Globe - 200 gp
  • Ink (1 ounce bottle) - 1 gp
  • Ink, Gold (1 spell level) - 100 gp
  • Jug or Pitcher - 5 sp
  • Light Orb - 10 gp
  • Oil (flask) - 2 gp
  • Paper / parchment (2 sheets) - 1 gp
  • Vial - 1 gp


  • Continual Light - 150 gp
  • Haste - 500 gp
  • Massmorph - 1200 gp
  • Polymorph others - 1000 gp (x2)
  • Detect Magic (A) - 25 gp
  • Light (A) - 50 gp

Live Animals

  • spider - 10gp
  • bat - 20gp
  • newt - 5gp

Random Potions (1 gp each)

  • Clairaudience
  • Clairvoyance
  • Control Animal
  • Control Dragon
  • Control Giant
  • Control Human
  • Control Plant
  • Control Undead
  • Delusion
  • Diminution
  • ESP
  • Fire Resistance
  • Flying
  • Gaseous Form
  • Giant Strength
  • Growth
  • Healing (1d6+1)
  • Healing, Greater (2d6+3)
  • Healing, Supreme (4d6+7)
  • Heroism
  • Invisibility
  • Invulnerability
  • Levitation
  • Longevity
  • Polymorph Self
  • Potion of Speed
  • Treasure Finding

6 - The Obelisk of Law

  • Maintained by Zohar, Keeper of the Obelisk
  • Open temple of Law
  • A monolith of polished stone, built into the side of the wall just above the portal, with a praying circle around it.
  • Primarily dedicated to Phoris, but other Law gods are listed as well, including Endrion (Dragon god of Law).

7 - Harbormaster’s Office

  • Former Office of Lord Stengar
  • Fine wooden desk and chairs.
  • Bronze suit of armor in corner.
  • Several knick-knacks seres as reminders of various deals he’s put together.
  • One of the trinkets was an Eye of Jund which Segu acquired in trade for the Queen Ayn’s Wrath, a damaged pirate ship.
  • Mezric broke in and took the receipt for the trade from the desk, along with a strange journal.
  • It was during this break-on that Unklar appeared to murder Stengar.